ESCO Track Pro – geolocation system without borders
10. 6. 2024
Global geolocation system for machines and attachments. Without limitations. Without borders.
Monitoring of technical aims deployed in the field and storage areas thanks to the technology of ESCO® Track Pro is making the organization of work easier and more efficient.
Tracking of vehicles, machines, and equipment in the field thanks to the ESCO® Track Pro.
Operation of construction activities and logistics is asking especially for the good organization of work and a perfect overview of the deployed technology as well as employees in the field. Previously there was needed the use of human forces for that and the greater the extent of the performed activity, the harder it was to monitor the whole situation effectively.
Now we have the technical means which make the whole process easier. One of these means is a device for tracking the place of the ESCO® Track Pro thanks to the wireless networks – without limitations, without borders, always and with high accuracy.

The end element – transmitter is being installed on the construction machines and the mechanization technique in the field of logistics and warehouses like trucks (tippers, semi-trailers), forklifts, transport boxes and containers, mobile cranes, power generators, tracked vehicles and conveyors, excavators and diggers, etc. – and from there it transmits a high-frequency signal which cooperates with the management software portal in the laptop, PC, smartphone or tablet. Application for phones and tablets is available in operating systems of Android and iOS.

The goal of tracking mobile technical means is to make its work more efficient. This will prevent vehicles from moving off pre-marked routes, major roads, and dangerous corridors. The information about the exact geographical location of construction equipment eliminates its misuse, black rides, various downtimes, incorrectly entered or understood work instructions, and possible theft. Reliable electronic tracking of the movement of machines in real-time means also cost savings while manual tracking of the deployed technics in the field and unnecessary calling, while you know all about it.

Application ESCO® Track Pro cooperates with mobile networks and GPS and Bluetooth technologies, location equipment has a built-in battery with a long life span and they are secured from damage caused by humidity and dust. They work in high temperatures in direct sunlight as well as in strong freeze. It is possible to use them without any limitations anywhere on the Earth, there are no barriers in crossing states or continents.